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My Personal Portfolio

In this Website you can view my work on the listed technologies which I have learnt over the years from different learning ways be it my college ,youtube,udemy etc.

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Reels Clone

Using React,NextJs We developed the FrontEnd part and for Backend we used the Firebase.

  • NextJs
  • ReactJs
  • Firebase

Color-Code Generator

Using React and javascript in this we can paste color codes it will geneartes the color and their codes around it

  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Movie Database

In this We used the Omdb api for showing the movies data in our database using reactjs and javascript.

  • React
  • Javascript

Our Menu

This is a mini projects in which i have applied filters to propagate data through an api

  • React
  • Javascript
  • ES6


I have worked on various number of techologies be it front end or backend department.

  • Front-end

    Worked On
    React, NextJs, HTML, CSS

  • Back-End

    Worked On
    NodeJs, ExpressJs and PHP

  • Database

    Worked On
    MongoDB and MYSQL

Developing 1 project at a time